Free Resources


Tired of your auto-yes response yet terrified of saying no?

You are not alone. Many of us were conditioned to only say yes while no was removed from our everyday language and sometimes shamed & punished until no disappeared.

Our bodies remember it wasn't okay. So it makes sense viscerally you feel terrified even adverse to saying no.
Feeling like you don’t have choice to say no.

It doesn't have to stay this way. Imagine today as adults, you can say no and do it every single day.
Imagine today you can feel at ease and grounded in saying no.
Imagine today you feel you have a choice to say no.

In this workshop, we'll get to know the primal brain and nervous system responses and what's possible. You will be guided in a live practice to ease into saying no with your voice.

Sign up and you will receive the workshop replay.



This is for you if you are feeling exhausted and frustrated with dating apps.

Imagine you feel excited about dating because you are clear about what you are looking for and empowered to go for what you want and step away from what’s not aligned. You call your energy back and mindful about who your energy goes to.

Sign up for this challenge so you can feel excited about dating and attract super aligned people so you can save your time and energy to nourish you. You will have access to pre-recorded video lessons from when this challenge happened in March 2022.

I will be sharing two approaches that have supported me and clients navigating dating in a sustainable, fun and empowered way:

1) time and energy based

2) body-based



30-Day Observe Your Yes & No at the mind-emotion-body level

We live in a society that conditions and reinforces us to disconnect from our bodies, to override our no's, override our body's needs, override our capacity and limits and amplifies people-pleasing tendencies.

How does this look like? doing, doing, doing. what is the next thing to do where rest is not integrated.

What happens? we learn to neglect our capacity, bodies, our needs, and allow people to override them too. also the impact of systematic oppression plays a major role for disconnecting us from ourselves.

To start to reconnect to yourself, your emotions and body, you can gently explore how your body responds when you say a true no, a true yes or an automated yes (saying yes when you really want to say no).

Sign up for the free 30-day worksheet and grow your awareness of current tendencies and begin to make different decisions. Awareness + new decision = change. Start easing out of your auto-yes response.